As I enter my last couple of weeks of my Fulbright Exchange, I have tried to spend more time with the people that I've met here. My students, colleagues, and friends. We have had "hasta luego" (see you later...easier than good-bye, which usually results in a big lump in my throat and tears) parties galore. I've never been so aware of the generous hospitality and love that the Mexican people readily give, as this past week. First, a dance recital one of my students asked me to attend....Areli, a beautiful ballerina and great English student too. Next, are photos of a 'cena' (dinner party) given in my honor, by a student and her family. It lasted 6 hours.....just enjoying the conversation, food (carnitas made by her dad) and music with kareoke, as her brother played beautiful guitar and we sang popular Mexican and American songs.

Also, was a breakfast gathering with my yoga group. We celebrated Dia de los Maestros (teacher day) with my yoga teacher at a restaurant and many of our group...just 3 hours. I thought we might be there long enough to order lunch too!

Next, are some photos of a gathering with all our colleagues from the Politecnico Nacional at a wonderful restaurant called 'Fondo del Recuerdo' (a restaurant called Memories! How appropriate). This one went on for about 4 hours. You get the picture that 'eat and run' just doesn't exist in this culture. People here love to get together and be together for as long as possible. It has been a wonderful treat to be able to talk and eat and just get to know each other so well. Hopefully this is a part of the culture I will bring back to the U.S. with me.

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