Next, was a concert/dance at the Bellas Artes/Fine Arts Theatre representing dance from the north of Spain/including non-stop bagpipes!
On Sunday, there was a free outdoor concert with a charming group from Argentina, called Paté de Fuá. It felt like an outdoor summer concert in Colorado. People of all ages were in the audience enjoying the music and day.
I'm sorry I missed a Maná concert (one of the most popular rock groups/from Guadalajara) on Saturday. They played 4 different concerts/on 4 days and filled the Auditorio Nacional, which holds approximately 10,000 people for all four concerts! I thought I could walk up and buy a ticket that day, wrong! Fortunately, I saw them in the U.S. a few years ago and have fond memories.
Mexico City cultural society publishes a magazine every week called Tiempo Libre...this helps organize whats happening in the city so you can make your plans based on your individual interests. Many, many events are free! They are always well attended by the local people, who appreciate their culture in every genre imaginable. You can be well entertained on a shoe string budget if you plan it right.
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