We made it to the Zocolo "center" of Mexico City around 10:00pm, 15 de septiembre...The opposition party of Obregon (the candidate who had lost the last presidential election recently) was holding a rally to try to sway support their way...calling himself the "real" president. Mexicans listened but didn't participate in leaving the Zocolo before "The Grito" at 11:00pm by Felipe Calderon, their current president. The situation during the election was similar to what happened in Florida between Kerry and Bush the last go round!
Back to "The Grito" which is a series of "Viva..." ....like Viva Hidalgo...Viva Allende...and finally Viva Mexico! several times. These were the key players in the movement for independence from Spain in 1810 in Guanajuato. It was moving to see 1000's of Mexican families with their children dressed in different colorful Mexican outfits and teaching them patriatism for their country. It was very peaceful and colorful with all the costumes, faces painted and oh yeah the fireworks! They were set off over the cathedral behind the backdrop of Mexican flags flying everywhere in the Zocolo!
The next day, 16 septiembre was the parade down the Avenida. It went on for about 2 hours with every military group represented including their military academies. There were flybys overhead of all sorts of aircraft from helicopters to the large aircraft and also paratroopers. The streets again were lined with 1000's of people enjoying and clapping for their military. I must also mention that it is the first night and day without rain since I've been here (since it is the rainy season). It was beautiful blue sky all day and night! Viva Mexico!
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